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TechCard Science Lab


The new TechCard Science Lab explores 5 key topics in KS1 & KS2 Science through 9 models !


  • Simple Structures
  • Levels and Forces
  • Magnetic Force
  • Simple Machines
  • Simple Circuits

The kit is complete with all materials, full assembly instructions and project notes.

Ideal for STEM & STEAM classes.

Simple Structures

Build a test bench and explore how shaping materials can make them more useful.

Levels and Forces

Assemble a Lever and discover how the can change the forces acting on them !

Magnetic Force

Build three intriguing models and investigate the invisible force of magnets !

Simple Machines

Discover how simple machines change force and make work easier !!

Simple Circuits

Assemble a buzzer circuit and understand the effect of increasing voltage and how electricity flows in a circuit.