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STEM education programs.

Why STEM training

STEM education is crucial for children’s development of problem-solving, critical thinking, and understanding of the scientific method. It fosters curiosity, creativity, and innovation, preparing them for future challenges and contributing to the rapidly evolving global scene. By introducing children to STEM concepts early, they are equipped to adapt to changing technologies and contribute meaningfully to scientific and technological developments.

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Introduction to Science

With STEM, the introduction to Sciences is done with hands-on activities, where children are actively involved.

Educational robotics

Through educational robotics, children learn to build and program robotic structures, constantly keeping up-to-date on current technological developments.


Children learn, through activities, to think algorithmically. Mathematics becomes attractive because it is part of experiential learning.


Children learn to work in teams at a very young age. Communicate, argue, disagree and cooperate.


Children understand the simple and complex machines and their function. Thus, they perceive the usefulness of everyday machines.

Problem solving

Main component of the STEM methodology is problem solving. Children seek the most suitable solutions to everyday problems.

Education is changing

STEM attempts to transform the traditional teacher-centered courses into ones where problem solving and discovering-exploratory learning plays a predominant role in the curriculum.

Skills Development

STEM provides opportunities for skill development by encouraging children to respond to queries and engage in playful activities on science, mathematics, engineering and technology.

Meaning of STEM

In the near future, 25% of jobs will require STEM knowledge, according to studies by American educational institutions. The EU, recognizing the importance of STEM in the labor market, has formed the STEM Alliance.

Education is changing

STEM attempts to transform the traditional teacher-centered courses into ones where problem solving and discovering-exploratory learning plays a predominant role in the curriculum.

Skills Development

STEM provides opportunities for skill development by encouraging children to respond to queries and engage in playful activities on science, mathematics, engineering and technology.

Meaning of STEM

In the near future, 25% of jobs will require STEM knowledge, according to studies by American educational institutions. The EU, recognizing the importance of STEM in the labor market, has formed the STEM Alliance.

What STEM is?

The term STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is an acronym used by those relevant to the educational method concerning the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. STEM is an educational methodology, which was essentially developed to promote knowledge and skills, which are lacking in analytical study programs.

Why Stem?

The so-called 7Cs Skills of the 21st century, are abilities and skills which are necessary for a human being future. Imagine how many new professions there will be in 20 years from now on and how different the world and its socials will be Needs. If we believe that our job as educators is primarily to we prepare students for a successful and fulfilling future, we should give opportunities to our students to strengthen these skills.

7Cs Skills are: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Informatics and ICT Education, Intercultural Career and Learning Understanding and Empowerment.

What problem solves?

A nation deeply educated is able to meet the everyday challenges and innovate. STEM education is now an economic must in the country, as more than 30 prospering occupations will require STEM knowledge in the near future. Furthermore, according to a study of the Brookings Metropolitan program, major areas whose citizens have been trained in the STEM philosophy have a strong economy and equality of income among the working classes. This means that it is now more than ever essential for all governments to invest in this pioneering initiative.